People expertise. Sustained performance.
在一个以商业模式颠覆为特征的世界里, 无机增长战略对成功越来越重要. With investor pressure coming from all sides, 当前动态的交易环境需要专业知识和有效执行的结合,以提供可持续的价值, tomorrow and well into the future. 它还需要一个动态的并购战略.
Thanks to our global scale and local footprint, 美世 has the business acumen, 处理经验和人员专业知识来解决您最棘手的人员挑战-我们可以在世界任何地方工作,并随时采取行动. We aim to help you maximize value, 降低风险,降低成本,以获得交易的全部价值.
The diversity of our clients — in terms of size, 成熟, 行业部门和地理位置-意味着我们可以与所有类型的组织合作,以解决广泛的问题. 简单地说,我们知道需要做什么——何时、如何、为什么以及由谁来做. 我们可以与您一起管理最复杂的交易, 简化流程的每一步,以推动增长并帮助您的业务飙升到新的高度.
What makes 美世 different?
years of deal experience
transactions annually
country operations
cross-border transactions
Strategy and readiness
- Investment thesis research
- M&A readiness assessment
- M&A playbook development
- M&A Ready™ training
- M&A talent insights
- Human capital due diligence
- Separation diligence
- M&A talent insights
Pre-close planning
- Integration planning
- Separation planning
- Turnaround planning
- Project management office
- M&A talent insights
- Day One readiness
- Integration management
- Transition service agreement support
- Separation management
- M&A talent insights
- Synergy capture
推动长期交易的成功需要深思熟虑和执行良好的整合. 基于尽职调查的结果,我们的整合规划方法包括:
- 制定全面的集成战略和路线图,以实现第一天及以后的最终状态愿景
- Establishing project-governance principles, including those relating to decision-making, issue escalation and 沟通s
- 理解和识别两个组织文化的关键组成部分, 并开发一种集成方法来维护它们
- 概述沟通和变革管理策略,以支持新的运营环境
To deliver enhanced deal value, 买家和卖家需要劳动力专业知识与现实世界相结合, 在全球范围内的实践和战术执行经验.
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As)
在一个以商业模式颠覆为特征的世界里, 无机增长战略对成功越来越重要. 我们有商业头脑、交易经验和专业人才来解决您最棘手的并购问题&一个挑战. We can act at a moment’s notice.
资产剥离可以释放隐藏的股东价值,并产生现金,为增长和创新提供资金. 密切关注劳动力风险可以最大化销售价格, increase speed of sale and enhance profitability.
Restructurings and turnarounds
成功的扭亏为盈需要财务重组和有计划的业务恢复. 使人力资本战略与战略目标保持一致是成功的关键.
Joint ventures and strategic alliances
合资企业和战略联盟比建立一个全新的企业更快见效. 它们带来的后勤挑战似乎也没有收购那么复杂. Yet misaligned strategic goals, unclear governance, skewed operating models, 不明确的劳动力战略和文化不匹配可能导致表现不佳.
Workforce strategy
确定推动成功所需的关键角色和人才. Formulate workforce strategies to address any gaps. -
Operating model
Develop your future strategy and operating model, including organization design, governance and decision rights. -
人才 assessment, retention and onboarding
Maximize deal success by assessing talent, identifying and selecting leaders, and retaining critical skill sets. -
改变 management and 沟通
执行变更管理计划和整合,重点是将关键利益相关者从两个实体中转移出来. -
Identify cultural risks to deal objectives, 并构建全面一体化的战略和运营环境. -
采用基于人工智能的方法来理解技能, 在交易前确定风险和保留影响, and develop post-close talent strategies.