2023年,高通胀波及市场, with bond yields in many countries at their highest this millennium. 2024年应该会看到正常化, 劳动力市场, wage growth and inflation returning to more familiar levels, although the low rates seen in the 2010s are unlikely to return. 地缘政治紧张局势迫在眉睫, their economic and market impact has been limited so far, and a greater disruptive force could be the development of new technologies, 哪些暗示对经济增长有积极影响, 金融市场收益和社会变革.
美世’s 2024 全球投资论坛 convene key stakeholders, industry experts and leading thinkers to discuss themes likely to shape markets and investment practices in years to come. 每个活动都提供了多种学习方式, share and connect with the investment community and includes breakout sessions, 小组讨论和主题演讲. 在这些事件之外, you can access the latest insights on our digital research platform 美世Insight® Community, a free gateway to some of the best research and insights in the industry.
- 1 资产所有者简介
- 2 投资者出席者类型
This graph shows the total assets of asset owner who have attended 美世’s 全球投资论坛 between 2018 and 2023.
1 - 4.99亿美元,占27%
5 - 99亿美元,占15%
This graph shows the types of asset owner who have attended 美世’s 全球投资论坛 between 2018 and 2023.
政府, local authorities, public and sovereign, 15%
- 节省注册费16550美元
- 五个论坛各一个席位
- Up to two virtual LSC sessions per year, exclusive to global members (April and October)
- Up to five One-to-one meetings offered as part of each Forum (i.e.,一年五次)
- Flexibility to customize your seats (skip one Forum to double up on another)
- A 10% discount on additional tickets to any specific Forum, limit of three per firm
- A 20% discount on additional global memberships, limit of three per firm
- Quarterly 美世 研究 briefings, exclusive to global members
- 访问论坛中心, a dedicated website that archives all Forum-related materials, 比如演讲, 刊物及录影带
- 免费 copy of 美世's 全球 Manager Search Trends Year-End Report and 美世's 全球 Asset Managers Fee Survey. These reports are otherwise only available to 美世Insight® subscribers
- 资产所有者2:
- 资产管理公司3:
2024 | 欧洲 | 美国 | 太平洋 | 亚洲 | 加拿大 |
美元 | $14,500 | $16,500 | $12,350 | $12,350 | $12,350 |
Members of some professional bodies may be able to claim continuing professional development credits for attending 美世's 全球投资论坛.
- Based on 2018-2023 attendance at 美世’s 全球投资论坛
- 为论坛的目的, an “asset owner” is a client or contact of 美世 who is an executive, board member or other key decision-maker of a retirement plan, 财富管理公司, 保险公司, 养老, 基金会, 政府机构或类似实体.
- 美世's receipt of revenue from a Fund manager will not result in any preferential treatment by 美世 when evaluating or recommending managers, 他们的子公司, 产品或策略.
美世 accepts no responsibility for the views or opinions of the speakers or any other persons at the event.
美世 reserves the right to make changes in the agenda or speaker roster at any time without prior notice.
Managers are limited to a maximum of three registrations per Forum. 每次注册仅限一人.
美世 has the right to decline any registrations received from competitors and other potential delegates that do not match the targeted audience.
通过注册vns85978威尼斯城官网投资论坛, consent is given to 美世 for its disclosure of your financial institution's name to third parties for conflict of interest disclosure purposes.
取消必须通过电子邮件沟通到 玛丽亚雷耶斯. Cancellation request sent two months before the Forum will be refunded in full. Cancellation request sent one month before the Forum will be refunded in half (50%). Except as set forth above or in cases of Force Majeure or termination for breach, 不允许退款.